Terms & Conditions

Courses are held in all weather conditions. Only the ski instructor can cancel the course due to bad weather or dangerous conditions. Arriving on time for your course is your responsilbility. Group courses will start on time and you will not be reimboursed if you arrive late. Private lessons will run within the booked time period even if you are late, this will lead to a decreased length of lesson with no reimbousement. Included in the lesson duration is the welcome and introduction to the lesson and the farewell and summary of the lesson.

Lessons must be paid in advance. We do not refund the course unless we cannot give the course. During your holiday we refund 70% of the course if a valid medical certificate is presented from the Vissoie medical centre or a regional hospital. All clients must have accident insurance, which includes any medical transportation. Ski Alternatif declines any responsilbility in case of accidents